Pet Magazine triumphs at the National Digital Awards 2024, securing titles as Large Business Website of the Year, Most Trusted Website, and National Website of the Year among top digital enterprises.""
Beat the Halloween Scaries with these Top Tips: Identify the Fear: Dogs can have negative experiences with things like fireworks or storms, it can heightn their fears as they repeatedly...
What is a Tick? Ticks are small, blood-sucking parasites that can cause a variety of health problems in animals. They can be found in forests, grasslands, or even your own...
How to make your lick mats the best they can be for your pet! Lick mats have a variety of benefits for your pet from soothing, calming, relaxing and providing...
As February is responsible pet owner month, we have put together a list of some of the most important things you need to do to look after your pet properly....
A Very Merry Christmas for your Dog Christmas should be great fun for all the family, unfortunately for our pet dogs, it can be a time of stress, trauma and...
Pumpkin is packed full of benefits but which pets should be adding it to their diet? For the dogs.. Yes! Pumpkin is safe for your dog to eat and is...
Adaptil and Feliway products 20% OFF for the month of October!! Plan ahead and be prepared for this Halloween Season! Our pets can be faced with a great deal of...